在巨大的舒适食品革命过程中场景,和现在是淡淡的炸鸡肉三明治。In our humble, dandified opinion, you will find the best of the current crop out in Brooklyn, at a classic old dining counter in the East Village, and on the menu of the city’s favorite burgerchain.
1。Wilma Jean
345 Smith St.,位于卡罗尔花园的卡洛尔街;718-422-0444
这chef-owner of this great Smith Street comfort-food shack is Rob Newton, who, aside from having cooked in many of the great gourmet kitchens around New York, also happens to be from Arkansas. To construct this great sandwich he brings his expertise together from both worlds — the thigh meat comes from the Amish country in Pennsylvania; it’s marinated in buttermilk, rolled in a special mix of flour and southern (mostly Cajun) spices, then fried to order in peanut oil, the way Newton does when he makes hisfried chicken回家。加入冰山生菜,一两个腌菜,以及最轻的酪乳调味料(加上7美元的价格),这与您可能在这个洋基镇上的炸鸡chicken-chicken-sandwich Nirvana一样接近。
495 Lorimer St.,Nr。威廉斯堡的鲍尔斯街;718-302-4665
3。Bobwhite Lunch和晚餐柜台
94 Avenue C, nr. 6Th英石。;212-228-2972
工业制造FCS’s are fraught with peril (if you don’t believe us, just visit the new Chick-fil-A megastore below Times Square). But, like the burger at this popular chain, this deceptively simple, well-sourcedsandwich(the chicken is crunchy and antibiotic-free, the bun is sesame, the dressing is buttermilk) stands up to repeated品尝。
163 First Ave.,Nr。10Th英石。;不phone
Thankfully forFCSLoons,David Chang的鸡棚似乎已经解决了早期生长的疼痛(皱纹的面包,肉排,像菜鸟一样大)。他出色的“韩国人”三明治的关键是三块的三明治,尤其是腌制的韩国卷心菜,增加了令人上瘾的,浓郁的紧缩。