Best of New York

The Absolute Best Bloody Mary in New York

A paragon of the form awaits you in Fort Greene.Photo: Liz Clayman

It’s time to declare the absolute best Bloody Mary in New York, a city that of course has a deep history with the classic daytime drink (so deep, in fact, that common wisdom has it at least some version of the drink was invented here). At its best, the drink is a fresh-tasting, streamlined collection of ingredients that all amplify one another, with no gratuitous embellishment. So you won’t find anyfried-chicken garnisheshere. Instead, these three spots offer absolutely perfect versions of the classicrecipe.


1.Colonia Verde
219 DeKalb Ave., nr. Adelphi St., Fort Greene;347-689-4287

One of New York’s most prominent farm-to-table chefs once confided to us that no amount of heirloom-tomato moxie can top the “fresh” flavor standard set by萨克拉曼多品牌番茄汁。Henry Koehler, the person tasked with devising the drinks at this laid-back Fort Greene spot, seems to agree. There are a number of inventive cocktails (the “Chili Wili” combines mezcal with vermouth that’s infused with hibiscus and orange), but the house Mary sticks more or less to the script, starting with Sacramento juice, prepared horseradish, and a jigger of Three Olives–brand vodka. Then the ever-so-slight tweaks that elevate this drink above the usual fray: Maggi stands in for Lea&Perrins, adding a bona fide fillip of味精,墨西哥辣酱比传统的塔巴斯科州增加了更细微的细微差别。“有时候,您只想要超经典的东西,” Koehler说。这是。结果是一种最能描述为“超级新鲜”的味道,也许是由于番茄汁中浓缩的谷氨酸促进的。但是,为什么要打扰哲学呢?这只是一个该死的好血腥玛丽。实际上,这是最好的。

2.King Cole Bar
瑞吉酒店,2 E. 55th街。Fifth Ave.;212-339-6857

这家庄严的大理石镀金的瑞吉酒店是纽约的奥​​尔德化身,俱乐部和秘密,是与陌生人进行对话的那种地方,可能会导致出色的库存小费。Head to the famous bar in the back with Maxfield Parrish’s even-more-famous mural of King Cole and order a just-as-famous Bloody Mary, or — as it’s called here — a Red Snapper, which is aptly named, as it’s the most fantastically strong Mary in town. Plus, a cheery bartender doles out bowls of free olives and nuts, and it’s fun to drink under the watchful eye of Parrish’s neo-classical goons. The hint of citrus and slow burn of cayenne is the same as it ever was, and — hopefully — the same as it will everbe.

54 E. 1st街。第一大街212-677-6221

No reservations are taken during brunch, which means the line on 1st在高峰时段,街道膨胀到史诗般的比例。这一事实是不便的,但加布里埃尔·汉密尔顿(Gabrielle Hamilton)专门的血腥玛丽菜单已经long been famous, and justly so. Another devotee of the nectar otherwise known as Sacramento-brand tomato juice, Hamilton is equally inflexible about Worcestershire (Lea&Perrins), horseradish (Gold’s), and hot sauce (Tabasco). The base is used for versions containing spirits like aquavit and gin, and there’s a roster of pretension-free garnishes like jerky or house-pickled turnips that are also conveniently available à la手机。

The Best Bloody Mary in New York