

四个bar凳和少数桌子。照片:Miachel Breton

排名The best hotel bars downtown,是时候将我们的注意力转移到中城及以上找到最好的酒店酒吧高于23街道 - 将优雅环境与精致饮料相匹配的景点,而数百人睡觉楼上。


1。Lantern’s KeepThe IroquoisHotel
49 w . 44Th圣,nr。第六大道;212-453-4287

年代ize does matter. And in hotel bars, smaller, it turns out, is better. (There is nothing intimate or romantic about a row of bottles and some stools at the edge of an airplane hangar, after all.) Lantern’s Keep would top this list for its cocktail quality alone, but its size is a significant part of the appeal. Four bar stools. A handful of tables. It’s like a tiny temple to drinking well, which is a good thing because the cocktails are some of the best you can get in this part of town, the collection wide-ranging and inclusive. The bar gets added points for its low-alcohol sherry-based drinks, but you can definitely get something full-strength if you don’t plan to drink all night long. Whichever route you choose, you’re in good hands, even if it is a little weird that the place is in the back of a hotel on a soulless stretch of 44Th年代treet.

2。Bemelmans Bar凯雷
35 E. 76Th街。麦迪逊大街;212-744-1600

看,我们生活在这个城市中一些最美丽,最高端的酒店可以享用绝对垃圾鸡尾酒的时代。纽约的一些最糟糕的饮料正在广场上供应玫瑰吧and the St. Regis’s科尔国王酒吧。(相信我们:两位编辑从每个菜单中广泛取样,并没有留下深刻的印象。)这就是使Carlyle的标志性壁画钢琴棒如此出色的原因:它看起来不仅仅是好的。它的实际上好的。Maybe this is because the white-jacketed waiters clearly take pride in what they do; maybe it’s because the live music tends to draw a tight crowd — C-suite types, well-heeled tourists, affairs still in the honeymoon stage — every night of the week, so they get a lot of practice. Whatever it is, the martinis and Manhattans sent out into the room, sparkling under the gold-leafed ceiling, are exactly as well made as a room like this deserves, even if it’s surprisingly rare to find these天。


安达兹(Andaz)将其地下室酒吧视为啤酒大厅和一家实验餐厅的混搭。长长的公共桌子围绕开放式厨房;没有正式的酒吧可以说。它是黑暗的,以性感的方式。鸡尾酒分为两组:季节性和经典。经典是斑点的,但要从您的舒适区中断并尝试一些新的东西。Drinks like the “Where There’s Smoke” (made with a phenomenally complicated base of rye whiskey that’s infused with smoked black tea) prove that the bartenders back there in that open kitchen don’t just know what they’re doing, but have big ideas about如何to do it. Itworks.

25 E. 77ThNR Madison Ave。212-606-3030

This small, fluid room tends to function as a bit of a holding area for the Jean Georges restaurant hidden down a hallway behind it, but it’s very much its own bar, and it’s a surprisingly good one to be located so far uptown, and so close to the park. Signature cocktails are assembled with care (order a标记曼哈顿and the bartender will walk you through its flavor profile to make sure you understand how it differs from a traditional Manhattan), and the wine list, thanks to Jean-Georges, no doubt, has blessedly few clunkers. Though the furnishings are a bit manic (please, divest your cowhide holdings), the space in the summer — with early evening light still flooding in, when the doors are open to the street — is just right for a postwork drink or three. Get here early enough, and claim a patch of牛皮。
