The Absolute Best Happy Hour in New York


最好的欢乐时光让您快速获得尖端,是的,但是那是一毛钱,而且您可能已经在步行距离的时间内就拥有了最喜欢的东西。因此,我们搜索了真正的优质酒吧,提供特别快乐的特色菜,例如陡峭的葡萄酒折扣,而不仅仅是在房子里;或摇摇欲坠的鸡尾酒定价为一半,邻里酒吧通常需要什么。当然,我们寻求快速,友好的服务 - 如果您等待20分钟的时间,那不是一个欢乐时光,请注意调酒师的注意力,以便在下午7点之前进行最后一次饮料订单。最后:许多餐馆提供有趣的欢乐时光交易(例如Empellón Cocina5美元的炸玉米饼和啤酒和Bobwhite售价5美元),但我们专注于真正的酒吧,这意味着所有这些地方都适用于希望有两杯以上饮料的同事团体。


13 First Ave., at 1st St.; 212-995-5400

Happy hours in office-heavy locations get crowded quickly — and often the specials aren’t that good to begin with. And happy hours at bars in, say, Bedford-Stuyvesant or Jackson Heights often end too early for Manhattan workers. But Boilermaker’s East Village location is a good compromise. Weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., 12 fantastic cocktails like迈·泰斯(Mai Tais),Daiquiris和老式的价格为8美元,另外:4美元的布鲁克林啤酒和7美元的葡萄酒。食物不是欢乐时光菜单的一部分,但已经足够便宜了(而且很好 - 我们甚至喜欢泡菜般的aioli-toppedveggie burger)。而且,如果您晚上8点以后待在晚上,那么您可以喝7美元的啤酒和特价啤酒,直到午夜,当时深夜煎饼和模仿菜单开始。

2.La Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels
249 Center St.,Nr。布鲁姆街;212-343-3660

下午5点至7点每天,像Za’atar香料鹰嘴豆之类的菜肴为5美元;玻璃杯的葡萄酒可享受5美元。尝试来自南澳大利亚州的Smallfry的Stella Luna,一种Cinsault-Shiraz混合物,或用神秘的葡萄酒测试您的技能:“猜猜葡萄酒并赢得瓶子!”漂亮,镜面丰富的房间里有很多座位,非常适合团体,包括酒吧旁的半私人房间(提前致电)。

24 Harrison St.,Nr。格林威治街;212-625-9463

The excellently selected wines by the glass are several bucks off from 4 to 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. to close daily; bar snacks like chicken-liver toast are $2 off. The joyfully educational nature about the place is a testament to brilliant, funny owner-sommelier Paul Grieco and his ace serving team; there’s perhaps no bar staff in New York that knows or cares more about wine.

169 E. Broadway,Nr。罗格斯街;646-833-7199

在这座城市中,最容易饮用的地方最便宜的地方是169 Bar,PBR和射击是从中午到下午7:30的3美元。酒吧很潜水,但白天仍然很棒,最快乐,而阳光仍然从百叶窗播放,但在24岁的人群堆积之前。

27百老汇,位于威廉斯堡的邓纳姆·普罗(Dunham Pl。);646-568-6622

快乐的时间特色菜从下午5点至8点进行。在工作日,直到晚上11点在星期二,当您购买饮料时,您还可以以5美元的价格买两塔科斯州。吃水和冷冻鸡尾酒只有8美元 - 尝试The Bird-Colada,它将冷冻丛林鸟和Branca Menta的浓汤混合在一起,增强了PiñaColada,通常为13美元。通风的空间很美,服务齐全而友好。

Honorable Mentions


Two-for-one is always fun, and at Eastwood the frequently changing beer selection is great. From 5 to 8, order one beer and receive a little stone — a token for a second for free. It’s not the only bar in town to have a special like this, but it’s likely the only one to also offer such excellent falafel sandwiches, and crispy fries with tartar sauce.

Onderdonk and Sons
566 Onderdonk Ave.,位于里奇伍德的Menahan St.;没有电话

这个低调的老式手势的姐姐酒吧,格林波特的铅笔工厂has a great happy hour: $11 for a beer (Sixpoint, Victory, etc.), fries, and a burger that tastes deliciously like a backyard-grill special. From 4 to 7 p.m. and midnight to close, seven days a week.

The Waylon

If you’re looking for中城的便宜饮料, you probably already know where to go (鲁迪的)。But if you’re looking for relatively cheap drinks at happy hour time — and a space where you can find a seat and hear yourself think — try the Waylon, which has $6 wines by the glass and cold Lone Stars and Shiners for $5 from noon till 7 p.m. Use the money you save to order some queso, which tastes imported from Texas, and to feed the country-heavy jukebox. (P.S.: In warm weather, you can take your drinks in the spacious backyard.)

*本文的一个版本出现在2017年3月6日的《New York杂志。

The Absolute Best Happy Hour in New York