Best of New York

The Absolute Best Bar in the Theater District

最好的酒吧也带有无与伦比的视图。Photo: Paul Wagtouicz

Here are the best bars for a pre- or post-theater drink. The options are varied, ranging from the high-end to a lovable dive, and they’re all within a ten-minute walk of most of the Broadway houses. Here’s where togo:


1.The Skylark
200 W. 39th街。Seventh Ave., 30thfl。;212-257-4577

纽约的屋顶酒吧通常会严重过高,人满为患,而且通常不愉快。值得庆幸的是,在Skylark并非如此。到30岁的旅程有些轻浮th- 地板酒吧(通过走廊,上升电梯,上楼梯等),但是到达目的地后,您会发现一个友善,温暖和专业的员工。人群的多样化,所以您可能会看到纽约大学毕业生约会30多岁和夫妇旁边庆祝。接受它。外部被加热,但是如果天气太冷或多雨,室内空间感觉有点像一个豪华的客厅(很多沙发)和一个DJ播放乐观的歌曲。至于鸡尾酒:是的,它们很昂贵,但制造也很好。值得注意的是,这一景色很棒,可以在任何人的Snapchat上拍摄出色的照片。明智的话:预订on the websiteto guarantee a桌子。

49 W. 44th街。第六大道。212-453-4287

TheIroquois Hotel’s small, secluded bar was popular enough when it opened a few years ago that reservations were once necessary. Now that there are more options for a dignified cocktail in the area, things have quieted down, and you can pretty easily slip in here for an Island Old-Fashioned (made with rum and velvet falernum) or the light and summery gin-based Pineapple Collins, all in an extremely comfortable setting (marble tables, velvet chairs). There are small plates, like oysters gratin and a cheese plate, if you’re feelingpeckish.

3.Jimmy’s Corner
140 W. 44th,nr。百老汇;212-221-9510

如果您想要一些不太高档的东西,就没有更好的地方参观,然后以拳击主题的潜水吉米的角落,该角落在1972年开放。我们推荐了已经, mostly because Jimmy’s is that rare New York bar that cannot be oversold or overendorsed. It’s cheap, the jukebox is excellent (Little Richard, Miles Davis, Nat King Cole), and among the many wall decorations is a sign reading “Let’s not talk politics here.” A lovely escape, not just from Times Square, but from pretty much一切。

4.Gabriel Kreuther的酒吧
41 W. 42nd街。第六大道。212-257-5826

If you are lucky enough to have a wealthy relative who scored tickets to汉密尔顿, you might suggest a preshow snack and drink in the mega-high-ceilinged copper-, wood-, and mirror-accented bar at Gabriel Kreuther. Reservations aren’t required, but they are accepted, and worth making, so you can ensure a seat at one of the white-leather-banquette-abutting bar tables. Order the customizable Kir Royale and maybe some spiced shishito peppers. All ofthe food is uniformly excellent, really. It’s not cheap, but your uncle is paying a premium for the super-serene, comfortable experience at one of the city’s most impressiverestaurants.

265 W. 52nd街。Eighth Ave.;212-307-5835

这次黑暗撤退仅在1997年才打开,但它是如此挑剔的反趋势,以至于感觉就像永远存在。描述气氛的最好方法可能是weird,那是一件好事。A baby grand piano (that’s played live) is positioned where a host stand might have been, and the crowd can be hard to predict, but generally it stays off the tourist circuit, so come for a not-too-rowdy night of eating blinis and downing vodka that’s a little more considered than Absolut andKetel(尽管您可以得到这些,也)。

