
The Absolute Best 30th-Birthday Bar in New York

Stellar cocktails and a variety of party packages at Pouring Ribbons.照片:Noah Fecks

Here are the best bars for 30th-birthday parties,从喜欢娱乐的言语,欢迎您用笨拙的拳头到一个天空高的场地,让人想起旧的新约克。


225 Ave. b,nr。13th圣。第二fl。;917-656-6788

庆祝30是纽约成年的非正式标志,尽管您仍然可能会喜欢潜水酒吧,但这种场合就像是想在精致部门提高档次的时刻。输入浇注丝带。在字母城市的一家酒类商店上方的黑暗,说话风格的景点不仅是我们的恒星鸡尾酒,而且还因为它的精选variety of party-package options, all with a welcome punch included. Depending on your party size, you can choose a semiprivate room, a private room, or go all the way up to a full buyout. The entire space holds up to 100 guests, and, depending on time of week and size of reservation, the all-inclusive packages are $26 to $30 per person per hour (plus tax and gratuity). That’s all you can drink, for cocktails that generally run about $15 a流行音乐。

113 Franklin St.,Nr。Greenpoint Ave.,GreenPoint;347-227-8164


3.Lavender Lake
383 Carroll St., nr. Bond St., Gowanus;347-799-2154

Lavender Lake is where you’dthrow your partyif you wanted to have your buds over to your backyard, but you live in New York and you don’t actually have one. A casual space that was formerly a horse stable, the bar allows you to reserve a spot for between 15 and 30 people with no fee, and if you’re lucky you may be able to snag their sprawling wooden-fenced outdoor area. Drinking arrangements (including open-bar packages and prepurchased bottles of wine or growlers) can be set up for a single tab, or just let your friends roam and pay as they go. Seasonal platters are available, including a charcuterie-and-cheese board, pork-belly lollipops, and a variety of vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options. And bonus: If you don’t want balloons — because, hey, you’re 30 now — just say you can’t have them because it’s against the bar’s政策。

191 Grand St., at Mulberry St.;646-726-4633

场景:您的一些朋友是酒吧猎犬,而另一些则喜欢制作精良的鸡尾酒。解决方案:这个地下休息室衬有瓶子,可提供您的付费选项,其中您要收取克。If you’d rather trust someone else to make your cocktails, bartender Eben Freeman has whipped up some festive options utilizing the “Cha-Chunker,” a machine he rigged to widen the mouths of eight-ounce cans, into which he then overturns airline bottles of liquor — for example, the Dark暴风雨,高斯林的黑海豹朗姆酒被倾斜到生姜啤酒中。可以保留桌子,以最少购买食物和饮料。超过30人需要一个buyout.

30 Rockefeller Plaza, at 49thSt.,65thfl。;212-632-5000

对于“ Go Big or Go Home”套装,请庆祝洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center)顶部的65层,在标志性的彩虹室旁边,在老式风格的酒吧和餐厅中,可以说是曼哈顿最令人叹为观止的景色。经典和专业的点策划鸡尾酒将帮助您在新的十年中响起,但是如果您想要一种非常昂贵的威士忌,他们当然也可以。该空间可为多达12人提供标准预订,而半占地活动可以预订内部60人,外部露台上有50人。超过60人构成了全部buyout.

6.Louie and Chan
303 Broome St.,Nr。福赛斯街;212-837-2816

You roll with a tight crew, and they like to eat. The dinner-then-partying option is downtown bar and restaurant Louie and Chan, which boasts a gorgeous (and some say haunted) private dining room that, like the rest of the décor, is inspired by the 1920s. Reservations are free for up to 16 people, and the space comes with a bar and private butler to fulfill (almost) every whim. A seasonal prix fixe menu, including housemade pasta served family-style beginning at $50 per person, and a customized wine list or open-bar options get you in the celebrating mood. Once you’re full, head to the bar next door for classic and specialty cocktails, or the downstairs lounge for dancing, where they host parties themed from swing to hip-跳。

7.The Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club
NR Union St. 514。内文斯街(Gowanus);347-223-4410

仅仅因为您30岁并不意味着您必须停止玩游戏。海绵状的皇家棕榈沙夫板俱乐部将reserve cabanas and a court for groups of ten or more,所有您的饮料吧台套餐每小时起价20美元。奖励:该空间是佛罗里达风格的(沙芬板在圣彼得堡普及),感觉就像vacation.

The Absolute Best 30th-Birthday Bar in New York