Best of New York


Metropolitan has become the Grand Central of Brooklyn’s gay scene.Photo: Liz Clayman

是时候宣布布鲁克林最好的同性恋酒吧了。随着Lovegun,Sugarland和Queer Emporium Specrum的关闭,布鲁克林同性恋酒吧is in a moment of transition. Many venues for gay black men have shuttered as well (RIP:星光,洛克威尔和布鲁克林咖啡馆)。但是,剩下的地方 - 一些新的,一些新近装修和一些旧的备用的地方 - 正在尽自己的一份力量来保持自治市镇LGBTcommunity lubricated.


559 Lorimer St., nr. Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg;718-599-4444

The long-running Metropolitan bar has always been the casual first and last stop of the night, but it’s evolved to become something of a Grand Central Station for Brooklyn’s gay scene, with a lively roster of DJs, drag queens, and events that are always mixed and never exclusionary. Both divey and dynamic, the big, multi-roomed locale has a cool factor without trying too hard (a.k.a. the Brooklyn credo). The place is known for the outdoor patio, where you’ll find many a bearded grad-student dude with a beautiful woman who looks like she’s in海姆。现在,那个夏天来了,大都会将恢复其传奇免费(与饮料)周日barbecue。另外:诸如Hella(每个第五个星期五)和弗兰基·夏普(Frankie Sharp)的大都市感(每隔一个星期六)之类的夜晚很受欢迎;人们在星期二虔诚地来到奎拉克;派对/老式的拍卖/拖拉表演Alotta的作品由Alotta McGriddles和Thorgy Thor(每三个星期四)主持。

462 Union Ave., at Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg;718-599-4999

Macri公园reopened as a gay bar in August 2015 under the same owners as Metropolitan. In less than a year, this “sister” bar has become a welcome presence at the Lorimer stop. Nights like Cissy (Wednesdays) reaffirm your faith that the young gay boys of纽约are still having fun.

3.This n’ That
108 N. 6thSt., nr. Wythe Ave., Williamsburg;718-599-5959

Raucous and youthful, this is where you go to dance with your friends and finally see that guy on Scruffin real life。或者,您可以找到比利堡(Billyburg)与朋友跳舞的30多岁的时尚和设计专业人士的地方。这是一个性感的空间(请注意弯曲的天花板),而拖拉表演者正在削减高跟鞋,成为未来Drag Race参赛者。

563 Fifth Ave., nr. 15th街,公园坡;718-788-2710

After closing two years ago, Excelsior reopened in a new location a few blocks south of its former spot in August 2015. Bigger and more ambitious, the new Excelsior is the perfect place for all those new Gowanus and Sunset Park boys to meet their Park Slope daddies in person. There’s a front café-like seating area, a long narrow bar, a lovely outdoor space, and a cute upstairs annex where they screenRupaul的阻力赛(的course).

363 Fifth Ave., nr. 5th街,公园坡;718-788-0924

JD参孙The Last Lesbian Bars广泛的迷你菜单提出了一个令人信服的问题:所有女同性恋酒吧发生了什么?姜是最后一位女士之一。一个可靠的旧饮料和台球桌的老式,它有一个愉快的欢乐时光,然后摇晃它Fridays.

6.Xstasy Bar&Lounge
758 Fifth Ave., at 26th圣,日落公园;718-499-2348

Opened in 2014, this friendly corner bar right across from Green-Wood Cemetery gives locals a place to call home. It’s a mixed crowd with a strong Latino clientele (they had a major Cinco de Mayo party). Best of all, the décor serves up ’70s-gay-dive-bar realness: See the weird guitar in the corner, draped white couches, and old album covers adorning the walls.
