In the world of high-end, big-city dining, few subjects elicit more passion and contentious argument than the delicate, subjective, ever-changing realm of first-class sushi. This is especially true these days, when a new, younger generation of chefs from Japan is opening restaurants around town, and some local sushi aesthetes we know are beginning to whisper that in terms of the variety of styles and even in terms of quality, New York might actually be beginning to rival Tokyo itself (which, to be fair, generally boasts only the traditionaledomaestyle)。这是我们目前最喜欢的寿司修复的目的地,我们为您的辩论愉悦而谦虚地展示了这一点,通常的警告是,最后一场寿司晚餐(就我们的情况而言)(就我们的情况下)而言,它具有延误的方式。在大城市寿司的领域中,人们的思想总是有帮助的,或者有一个费用帐户或一个高级朋友(或两个)拖着奢侈的账单。
181 E. 78th St.,Nr。列克星敦大街。917-338-1792
It’s always been chic, in New York’s high-end sushi circles, to trace your lineage back to the old masters in Tokyo. Few restaurants have managed this theatrical trick in quite such an elaborate and convincing way as this polished little atelier on the Upper East Side, with its white stucco façade, kimono-clad wait staff, and hushed little rooms constructed without nails in the ancientSukiyastyle. But what distinguishes this pricey new restaurant ($300 for the full chef’s-choice dinner, prepaid, before a drop of champagne or sake passes your lips) from the rest of the gilded new crop of sushi palaces around the city is the recent addition of the sushi-only six-seat Ash Room, where dinner costs a little over half the price of chefNozomu Abe的专业提供了完整的菜单(鳕鱼米尔特汤,有人吗?),并让您品尝了Omakase体验的优雅,精美的Nigiri部分,而不会破坏银行。
217 Eldridge St., nr. Stanton St.; 212-203-7634
在不幸地在Tribeca爆炸了他的同名项目之后,在众所周知的沙漠中徘徊了很短的时间。edomae风格已经找到一个适当的富丽堂皇的家iscreet, big-money tasting-room complex on Eldridge Street. With its flattering lighting, wide pine-wood bar, and soft, red leather chairs, the little room is surpassingly stylish, and the same goes for Ichimura himself, who doles out his impeccable omakase menu nattily dressed in a traditional Japanese yukata. If there were a slightly less expensive way to get a taste of the plump, shiny scallops, or the delicately cross-hatched ika, or the multitude of toro variations (we counted four different kinds), this posh little establishment might be at the top of the list, but if you have $300 in your pocket (before tax, tip, and the invariable carafes of sake), we suggest you run, don’t walk, down to Eldridge Street.
3。Sushi Satsuki
114 W. 47th St., nr. Sixth Ave.; 212-278-0047
Former Sushi Zen chef Toshio Suzuki is one of the OG godfathers of the city’s sushi scene, and if you happen to have $230 at your disposal, it’s a pleasure, early in the evening or after the lunchtime rush, to slip into one of the eight seats at this tastefully appointed subterranean bar on West 47th Street and listen to him discourse in his friendly, dignified way on the traditional style of doing things. Everything we tasted was top-notch, but pay attention to the chef’s signature eggy tamago, which he mixes the way the sushi masters in the old country taught him to do, with dashes of tofu and yam, because eggs were a scarce commodity back in wartime Tokyo.
Nr.6 W. 28th St.第五大道;212-481-2432
With its violet-cushioned chairs and elaborately stocked whiskey bar, this discreet Flatiron establishment looks an awful lot like a caricature of a young bond trader’s fantasy sushi den, but the young Tokyo chef, Shigeyuki Tsunoda, serves one of the better new omakases in town. Ouredomae- 风格的14道菜nigiri-sushi晚餐包括用长长的银色鲭鱼制成的maki卷,肥胖的烤扇贝折叠成烤的诺里海藻,以及深奥的“樱桃”海鳟,正如这位纯洁的厨师一样您用他的抛光英语居住在春季北北北部的潮汐河河口。At $285, the prices aren’t cheap, but the meal is filled with subtle touches, and toward the end of dinner Tsunoda mixes a great bowl of tuna tartare, which he hands around to his customers folded into nori hand rolls, like he’s serving guests at a party.
5。Sushi Yasuda
204 E. 43rd St., nr. Third Ave.; 212-972-1001
6。Shoji at 69 Leonard Street
69 Leonard St., nr. Church St.; 212-404-4600
背后的和蔼的德里克·威尔科克斯的存在counter at this top-notch Tribeca omakase joint might come as a shock to traditionalists who are used to receiving their monthly (or yearly) rations of fatty otoro from lordly Japanese gentlemen who can trace their pedigrees back through generations of chefs in Japan. But never fear, sushi snobs. Wilcox grew up in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., and spent a decade learning the intricacies of the trade in the restaurants and fish markets around Tokyo and Kyoto with a kind of convert’s fervor. At $252 per head (there are slightly cheaper and also more lavish menu options, but this is the most popular), the price of dinner here is on par with other high-tone sushi palaces around the city, and as one carefully sourced, well-constructed little course succeeds another (triggerfish from Montauk, Atlantic bluefin tuna belly, uni from Hokkaido and California, sweet little spot prawns from Santa Barbara), so is the quality.
47 E. 12th St., nr. Broadway; 212-228-6088
Nick Kim and Jimmy Lau’s popular, much-praised (including by us) Union Square operation tumbles a little in these updated rankings for all the usual reasons — the unrelenting crush of popularity, the arrival in town of a new wave of competition, the challenges of innovation, and the sense, on our last visit, of the same ideas being repeated again and again. By today’s standards, however, $180 is not a bad price to pay for a full mini-omakase feast (up to 16 pieces of sushi with a few non-sushi items thrown in), and there’s still no glorified fish house in town that combines upscale quality with that down-home, distinctively infectious New York City backbeat.
8.Sushi Amane
245 E. 44th St.,Nr。第二大道。212-986-5300
这re are some purists who consider this high-priced, no-frills, eight-seat operation in the basement of the upscale restaurant Mifune to be the ultimate Tokyo–style sushi experience in town, and why not? The young chef is Shion Uino, who began his apprenticeship with the venerable Takashi Saito of Tokyo’s three-star Sushi Saito at the age of 18. His sourcing (most of the fish are wild-caught around Japanese waters) and effortless, deceptively simple style — you’ll find no signature sake cocktails here, nor newfangled fusion caviar rolls, and the cool, subtly eggy tamago is one of the best in town — mirror the master, although New Yorkers who are used to a certain kind of theatrical style (yes, the lighting in the cinder block-walled room is a tad harsh) might want a little more bang for their 250 bucks.
23 Commerce St., nr. Seventh Ave. S.; 212-924-2212
According to our spies, the infectiously genial Chef Nakazawa is not in evidence behind the counter much anymore, although in case you haven’t heard, there’s a signature Nakazawa “Caviar Russe” on the menu, and the chef’s name is conveniently emblazoned on the bottom of every serving tray for Instagram branding purposes. Except for the slightly over-gummy rice, however, the quality of the product was as good as ever when we dropped in for a pleasant lunch not long ago, and if you avoid the thousand-dollar bottles of sake and wine, and the endless upselling offers (yes, there is A-5 Wagyu), the omakase option ($150 at the counter, $120 at a table) is a true bargain compared to the aggressively priced sushi joints around town.
1372 York Ave.,Nr。第73街;917-265-8254
如今,在这个社区中有很多更宏伟的场所可以使您的寿司修复升高,但其中并没有多少结合轻松的,有点摇摇欲坠的亲密感和这个古怪的小约克大街机构所做的,这证明了这一点 - 证明了这一点的遗产。已故的,伟大的厨师所有者Toshio Oguma。最大的绘图卡曾经是价格,它在标准12件式Omakase多年来徘徊在两人中的数字中。最近,我们注意到,他们一直在驶向100美元的大关。
11。Sushi Ginza Onodera
461 Fifth Ave., nr. 40th St.; 212-390-0925
这grandiose Fifth Avenue outlet of this lavishly upmarket Tokyo–based omakase operation is beloved by members of the no-expenses-spared, Midtown sushi-bro set, and if you happen to get hooked in to the trophy sakes and wines, the grandest $400 omakase option can balloon into the four-figure stratosphere in a hurry. The lunchtime prices tend to be more reasonable ($150 and under for a 10 to 15-piece meal) in a relative, sushi-plutocrat kind of way, and according to our sources in midtown, there’s now a $70 futomaki to-go option filled with all sorts of goodies (seawater eel, prawns, shiitake mushrooms), which you can take back to the office tower and devour at your trading desk.
130 St. Marks Pl., nr. Ave. A; 212-228-1010
Norihiro Ishizuka’s snug little operation on the western edge of Tompkins Square Park is a throwback to the peaceful, relatively democratic, not-so-distant days before $300 menus and packs of verbose,数十亿美元看着寿司兄弟入侵了该市寿司场景的上层梯队。这atmosphere is cheerful and unhurried, the menu is nicely sourced (sea scallops tipped with yuzu, silvery slices of jack fish and sardines, four different grades of tuna), and it’s one of the last neighborly-feeling sushi establishments where the prices aren’t officially insane.
88 W. 3rd St., nr. Sullivan St.; 646-405-4826
Many of the city’s established sushi masters (Masa Takayama, Jimmy Lau) got their start in L.A., but if New Yorkers want to experience the uniquely spare, no-nonsense West Coast omakase style, this unassuming 14-seat branch of the famous L.A. restaurant of the same name is the place to do it. In keeping with the L.A. school’s famously no-frills, Zen-like aesthetic, the atmosphere in this unobtrusive little dining room just below Washington Square is quiet, bordering on hushed. The fish is fresh, expertly sourced, and beautifully cut, and your only option every evening is the take-it-or-leave-it $200 chef’s-choice omakase dinner. This seemed like an awful lot to pay when the restaurant opened a couple of years back, but compared to today’s increasingly stratospheric power-sushi prices, it could almost be considered a relative bargain.
E. 28th St. 120,Nr。列克星敦大街。212-204-0200
这room, lying off of an anonymous, Flatiron District hotel lobby, lacks the intimacy of a great sushi bar, it’s true. The elaborate, layered style that Tim and Nancy Cushman and their little army of cooks helped popularize over the last decade, first in Boston and now here, has also been overwhelmed, in recent years — especially here in New York — by the rise of a new generation of Tokyo–centricedomae纯粹主义者。但是,氛围仍然令人耳目一新,如果您有必要的资源,并且不想在城市的一个闷热的Omakase宫殿里坐着座位,那么这不是一个不好的选择。
15。Sushi Katsuei
Multiple locations
这个受欢迎的小公园斜坡机构长期以来一直是当地寿司势利小人的最爱,他们可以从缅因州卡车上选择uni,或者从北海道飞行)和出处(大多数鱼都来自当地的大西洋水域或The The Local Atlantic Waters或东京的Tsukiji市场。有一个可用的犹太洁食Omakase选项,最基本的Sushi Omakase选项为52美元(在不久前在第六大道上开业的West Village分支机构60美元),价格很难击败。
16。Sushi of Gari
402 E. 78th St., nr. First Ave.; 212-517-5340
这great Masatoshi “Gari” Sugio runs a large, unruly, somewhat uneven chain of high-end sushi joints around the city these days, but if you want to experience the vivid, high-wire creations that made him famous, this original, snug little flagship restaurant, which opened back in 1997 on a leafy, unobtrusive stretch of 78th Street near First Avenue, is the place to do it. As usual, the best seats in the house are at the bar, which seats only ten and tends to be filled with devoted regulars. Call well in advance for your spot, or show up early, like we do, and beg.
1143 First Ave.,Nr。第63街;212-371-0238
如今,时代广场上有一个SEKI分支,在切尔西有另一个分支机构,但是像原始的Gari一样,这款于2002年开业的上东区旗舰店保留了一些启动该系列的魅力和风格。与他的出色同胞Gari一样,Chef Seki如今很少在柜台后面看到,但是菜单上的omakases价格为每个收入水平(九件式的,单次的“ Seki Special”当前售价为49美元)。据我们所知,酒吧仍然是著名的寿司恶魔埃里克·瑞珀特(Eric Ripert)和丹尼尔·布鲁德(Daniel Boulud)的最爱的出没,就像任何值得盐的厨师聚会场所一样,它仍然保持开放,直到上午2:30。