Once the province of Jewish bakeries, the twisted sweet bread has gone mainstream, with the most compelling new versions made from such unconventional ingredients as laminated dough, Nutella, and buckwheat. Below, the top babkas in New York.
1。Breads Bakery
18 E. 16ThSt., nr. Union Sq. W.;212-633-2253
What do we talk about when we talk about babka? Chocolate or cinnamon? Bread or cake? Crumb streusel or ganache? Butter or oil? (Let’s not even get started on margarine.) These are just some of the finer points tirelessly debated by New York’s persnicketiest babka mavens. The answers to these questions, of course, are dictated by the hallowed recipe of whichever babka one happened to grow up with, be it Zomick’s or Moishe’s or your favorite Aunt Gert’s. None of these, it’s fair to say, faintly resembles Breads Bakery’s chocolate babka (come on, is there really any other kind?). Since it debuted, in 2013, a bunch of new babkas have flooded the market, but Breads remainsunbeatable。丹麦 - 以色列贝克Uri Scheft在他的祖国以色列中,学到了Babka烘焙的艺术,在那里被称为Krantz Cake,他的版本改变了许多鉴赏家对旧世界甜点的看法。(This is especially true given how different it is from Green’s, the Brooklyn-based wholesaler that has long exerted a babka stranglehold on the dessert menus of New York’s most iconic delis, appetizing shops, and gourmet groceries.) Breads’ superiority is a triumph of top-notch ingredients, flawless technique, and playful innovation: The laminated dough employs the butter-encasing technique used for croissants and Danishes, which makes for light, flaky layers — a Frenchier take on the often stodgy sweet yeast cake, which many old-timers bake with vegetable oils. The twisted strands are thickly veined with a lavish, somewhat scandalous mix ofNutella和深色巧克力芯片,削弱了作弊者,但粉丝们将其视为那是令人愉悦的创新。当它从烤箱中出来时,面包就在糖浆中撒上days.
220 Church St., nr. Worth St.;212-227-7895
3。Bklyn Larder
228 Flatbush Ave.,Nr。第六大街,公园坡;718-783-1250
If you think alternative grains don’t belong anywhere near a babka, you haven’t tried this nutty, earthy, awesome loaf, made with just enough buckwheat and rye flour to register on your palate. Although the honey-tinged chocolate is ample and tasty, this not-too-sweet bread is all about the dough, which peels apart in multiple moist, speckled层。
463 W.百老汇,NR。王子街;212-254-3000
AlthoughMelissa Weller没有和Babka一起长大,她已经成为一个devoted scholarof it, and the fussed-over rendition she created forSadelle’s可能是镇上最漂亮的,其巧克力糖霜,同心螺旋圆圈以及坚固的底部和酥脆的壳外壳。Valrhona-巧克力馅料填充有巧克力薄饼碎屑,潮湿的面团几乎柔软。奖励女主人礼物提示:它是我们有史以来最优雅的面包店盒子之一seen.
5。oneg heimishe
188 Lee Ave.,Nr。威廉斯堡的Rutledge St.;718-797-0971
Deep in the heart of Hasidic Williamsburg, this nondescript bakery churns out New York’s most distinctive chocolate babka — sticky as tar; dense with rivulets of wet, fudgy chocolate; heavy as a cinder block and sold by weight. There is nothing subtle about this thing, but you have to admire its sheer audacity — not to mention its fudgy texture and crisp, sugar-crumbed, cookielikecrust.