在一个您可以在这里找到冰淇淋的城市中,从杂货店和角落商店到餐馆和酒吧,甚至在街上(Mister Softee先生的渴望是真实的),这家专门从事这些东西的场所更好,更好或回家(淹没在一品脱的bodega h中一个Agen-dazs)。这是纽约绝对最好的冰淇淋商店,从长期地标固定装置到街上最热门的新孩子。
221 E. Broadway,Nr。克林顿街;646-678-3687
我们敢说这个摊位后面的男人变成时尚小商店疯狂的天才吗?提供的口味令人发指, but scientifically so: You might liken a towering cone or sundae here to a stick of Willy Wonka’s three-course-dinner chewing gum, for the way each cleverly named scoop attempts to recreate a dish or snack — or even an entire meal — that you wouldn’t necessarily associate with ice cream, let alone dessert. Ants on a Farm showcases raisin, celery, and chocolate chips. 9AM contains French-roast coffee, chicory, Vietnamese cinnamon, condensed milk, and doughnut truffle. Pork Your Melons combines honeydew, prosciutto chips, and white balsamic reduction. Even vanilla (Basic B) is amped up with black-lava sea salt. The craziest part? It全部味道很好。
Ample Hills gets major points for inspired creativity, too, but it’s got a less intellectual, more playful vibe going on, targeted more toward the young, the young at heart, and the stoners among us (Munchies is one of the most popular flavors). The whimsical concoctions tend to be incredibly sweet, more often than not featuring cookies and candy and all manner of nostalgia-invoking junk food, from Fig Newtons to Peppermint Patties to chocolate-covered saltines. But it’s got a certain wholesomeness, too: pasteurized on-site using hormone-free, grass-fed dairy, and made with organic sugar.
Unlike Ice & Vice or Ample Hills, Davey’s isn’t about breaking the mold — it’s about perfecting it, turning out a small selection of unusually on-point versions of beloved classics, made completely from scratch using a carefully selected brand of dairy (Battenkill) and a finely tuned percentage of butterfat to sugar. Coffee isn’t just coffee — it’s Strong Coffee (and how); raspberry sorbet is ramped up with just a hint of Riesling; and Speculoos Chocolate Chip improves upon the concept of cookie dough. Plus, it offers a killer brownie, which can be ordered alone or as a sundae base, and a peanut-butter-pie shake.
2号Rivington St.,Nr。鲍里212-209-7684
菜单上没有淡淡的味道,从草莓 - 罗比斯塔乔香蒜酱到柠檬丝咖啡再到甘草,还有很多可供选择。但是,真正使Morgenstern与众不同的是美学。这家商店本身令人愉悦:明亮,干净,老式的时尚,所有定制字体,黑白瓷砖以及迷人的凳子和座位。引人入胜的知识渊博的员工戴着整洁的白色围裙和纸帽,将冰淇淋oop倒入异常完美的球体。金香蕉拆分 - 五只高耸的勺子在芝麻焦糖上撒上腌菠萝和卢克斯多樱桃 - 尤其是可以看见的景象,也是Instagram的景象。它甚至有鳄梨冰淇淋吐司。
您可以嘲笑在温暖的月份蜿蜒曲折的游客,或者坚持认为软服务是冰淇淋的劣等形式,或者将这个概念写成一个头,但事实是,大型同性恋冰淇淋(例如,星期一的圣代(Sundae),上面有一个圆锥形,上面衬有花生酱的锥体,dulce de leche和Sea Salt的毛毛雨)非常令人满意和美味。另外,头是不可抗拒的(不要成为Killjoy),您在家中不能柔软服务!游客正在进行某件事。
843 Classon Ave.,Nr。Lincoln pl。,Prospect Heights;718-399-2613
272 Bleecker St.,Nr。莫顿街;212-414-1795
任何去过布宜诺斯艾利斯的人都知道helado(又称冰淇淋)商店是一种生活方式,这个西村的现场将其带到纽约,风味从Dulce de Leche和Maté到Tiramisu和Sabayon(另一种经典的意大利甜点)。
森林山的105-29 Metropolitan Ave.;718-520-8514
At over 100 years old, Eddie’s is an institution, as real-deal retro soda fountain as they come, with neon signs and tin ceilings and a tiled floor — plus homemade ice cream, classic sundaes, and egg creams, best enjoyed on a stool in vintage metalware at the long marble counter, and purchasable only by cash, which goes right into the 1920s cash register.
Il Laboratorio del Gelato
称自己为实验室不仅是为了效果 - 由Ciao Bella Gelato背后的男人构想的鲜明的玻璃和混凝土空间看起来很重要。令人难以置信的各种口味是在现场精心准备的,通常为厨师和餐饮服务商定制,有时是怪异的,从相思蜂蜜到切达干酪到希腊咖啡。
Oddfellows的共同所有者包括以前的WD〜50糕点厨师,可以得到也odd — for example, their version of s’mores, which incorporates a smoke flavor in an attempt to truly capture the campfire treat, misses the mark and ends up tasting like barbecue — but their basic ice-cream formula is great, and many of the rotating flavors (like, recently, banana pudding and tangerine sorbet) land and delight.
85B Allen St.,Nr。布鲁姆街;646-476-6311
这concept of (not to mention the lines at) this Lower East Side newcomer is very similar to Big Gay’s — soft serve, taken to its logical conclusion — but has a distinctly Asian spin, offering flavors like ube (purple yam), matcha, and black sesame, and toppings like condensed-milk drizzle and mochi.
必须注意的是,范·李温冰淇淋的一致性往往会真正强调冰 - 这可能是片状的,有时您会得到很多东西。但是他们使用一流的成分来获得一些真正令人敬畏的口味,包括伯爵灰茶和热情果层蛋糕 - 而且他们也提供了同样有趣且美味的素食选择,由椰子,腰果和可可脂制成。