人们普遍认为,必须填补一个伟大的罐头订单,理想情况下是付费客户的全景。这是一个需要消失的食物神话。实际上,意大利乳清干酪和Impastata的组合不会自动造成潮湿的Cannoli。这只是低于PAR技术的结果。尽管如此,很容易看出,曾经是光谱的纽约·坎诺利(New York Cannoli)很难找到这些天。幸运的是,仍然有些地方可以为这种传统的糕点感到自豪 - 这是绝对最好的。
7001 18th Ave., at 70th St., Bensonhurst; 718-331-8430
Nassau County accents heard on the sidewalk and a gaggle of SUVs with Jersey plates double-parked outside are indicators of this Brooklyn bakery’s wide-reaching fanbase. Inside, there are clear signs of its bakers’ precision, like the display case stocked with a mind-boggling number of flaky, creamy pastries, as well as an easy-to-miss sign announcing that the kitchen uses ricotta imported from Sicily. This makes sense: Modern cannoli can be traced to Palermo, where Villabate Alba’s cheese is made. In addition to an expected rich, silky texture, their cannoli have a grassy, almost salty flavor that makes for a strikingly elegant contrast with the crisp shell, which is fried until nutty. The bakers不要过分在鲜花馅料中,巧克力片或柑橘碎片。一端有一条孤独的装饰性马拉斯诺樱桃,另一端还有几乎没有蜜饯的橙皮,他们独自一人做糕点的大部分甜美聊天。
19 Old Fulton St., nr. Front St., Dumbo; 718-596-6700
Pizza legend Patsy Grimaldi’s 800-degree coal ovens melt down vast supplies of fresh mozzarella each day, so there’s no doubt that the five-year-old shop’s reliance on top-notch dairy yields the smooth, sweet ricotta the kitchen uses to fill its natty, bow-tie-shaped shells. Served with a (traditional) spoon and a garnish of adorable rainbow sprinkles, these cannoli brighten up the area’s permafrost of tourist gridlock, and even add irresistible levity to the block’s fabled and protractedpizza wars。
26 Broadway, nr. Kent Ave., Williamsburg; 347-987-4500
Over by the Williamsburg waterfront, chef-owner Albert Di Meglio takes a minimalist approach, piping just-sweet sheep’s-milk ricotta into shells that come apart in a righteous crackle. Small nuggets of dried fruit and morsels of dark chocolate add candied flavors and bitter, floral edges to the mix. (They get bonus points for being perfect, late night, with a glass of Sicilian Marsala at the bar.)
4.Rimini Pastry Shop
6822 Bay Pkwy。,位于Bensonhurst的Bay Ridge Ave.;718-236-0644
本森赫斯特(Bensonhurst)的另一个西西里烘焙食品灯塔的疯狂氛围有时会变成一种客户服务的闹剧,但无休止的线条是里米尼(Rimini)活力的标志。Cannoli在这里运动标准发行的红色樱桃和鲜艳的Citron Nubs,但还带有精致且不可避免的透明度香料,在肉豆蔻 - 肉桂谱上的某个地方idealBrooklyn cannoli.
1170 Broadway, at 28th St.; 347-472-5668
妈妈吉达拉(Mamma Guidara)的戏剧性红糖盛会是这个斑点的仅周日弹出式弹出窗口,上面放着一道提拉米苏(Tiramisu)和一个单雪茄的cannolo。糕点厨师马克·韦尔克(Mark Welker)早上制作了几百个精美的围栏贝壳,然后用紧张的奶牛的乳子乳清干酪和香草,糖和盐的轻推填充它们。一端浸入绿色的开心果中,另一端是用碎的黑巧克力,比标准的意大利面包店碎片更像碎的可可豆。尽管每周的弹出窗口(现在是日历的永久性)强调了无束性的性质,这些罐头仍然是镇上一些最优雅的糕点。
Honorable Mentions
Caffe Roma
385 Broome St., at Mulberry St.; 212-226-8413
Nonstop tourist traffic means you run the risk of getting poked in the eye with a selfie stick anytime you venture to this Little Italy spot. For some, the shell may be too thick and unruly, but the cool, ineffably spicy filling — is that cinnamon? — at this tin-ceilinged institution (since 1891) remains a powerful draw. Grab an espresso and brag how the old-school signage, today somewhatunchanged,露面TheFrench Connection。
Cannoli Plus
6903 New Utrecht Ave., nr. Bay Ridge Ave., Bensonhurst; 718-331-1058
Speaking ofTheFrench Connection: Not far from where a crucial leg of the iconic chase scene takes place is this tiny cannoli showroom, beneath the elevated subway over New Utrecht Avenue. While individual cannolo are available filled-to-order, Cannoli Plus is a to-the-trade supplier that is open to the public, so anyone can grab a pack of fresh shells from the floor-to-ceiling display, choose a prefilled bag of cream in the back, and go have a cannoli rager.
312 Knickerbocker Ave., at Hart St., Bushwick; 718-381-7199
Circo’s has been open since 1945, yes, but it’s not so steeped in tradition that the crew is beyond crafting a fondant-wrappedbong cakefor every struffoli platter. Sugar-dusted and decorated with two cherries, Circo’s cannoli exude a great deal of old-school charm.
298 Court St., nr. DeGraw St., Boerum Hill; 718-875-4820
明年的面包和甜味陈列室明年满70岁,而且(当然)似乎没有改变。毫无疑问,Sfogliatelle像21年前一样令人难以置信,当时糕点在这本杂志上的纽约最佳中获得了最高荣誉问题。该灌装从来都不是too sweet or at all gritty, and shells have a wonderful crunch.
La Guli
29-15 Ditmars Blvd.,Nr。阿斯托里亚29街;718-728-5612
Petite cannoli here brim with an airy, custardlike filling that can’t be found anywhere else. The Queens institution opened in 1937, after its Italian-immigrant owners had spent more than a decade opening bakeries in Manhattan. Via special order, customers can still partake in the so-called “pregnant cannoli,” one of the shop’s most enduring oddities, which consist of a gaggle of tiny cannoli nestled in a jumbo shell.
华盛顿街820号,位于Gansevoort St.;212-254-3000
The petite, tricolore cannoli at Mario Carbone and Rich Torrisi’s sunny High Line restaurant, which have received plenty of high marks in the past, are still loaded with potent dark cherry, smooth coconut, and super-nutty pistachio variations of sheep’s-milk ricotta filling.
Quality Italian
57 W. 57th St., at Sixth Ave.; 212-390-1111
Vito’s Bakery
1916 Ave. U,Nr。海洋大街,羊头湾;718-332-3577
厚壳包更多的紧缩,有s more semisweet chips per square centimeter in the filling than pretty much all its major metropolitan-area competitors. None of this bothers the former regulars, who make special visits back to Vito’s after they’ve moved away.