205 E. Houston St.,位于Ludlow St.;212-254-2246
德国人可能已经发明了熟食店,但纽约制造了它:一种餐厅的风格,一种烹饪传统,一种普遍的风味,洋葱和大蒜沉重。对于大多数纽约人来说,熟食店的意思是五香熏牛肉,帕斯特拉米的意思是卡茨的。这只是生活的事实,例如死亡和税收。但是,卡兹的例外主义比肉类更多,而肉本身可能是伟大的或中等的,具体取决于一天和切割机。它基于该机构坚持手工切片及其在客户和切割机之间建立的亲密关系(提示)。它是基于这个地方本身的cl缩,混乱的生活历史 - 以某种方式不到时间的时间。And it’s based on the fine line Katz’s alone walks between unabashed tourist attraction and beloved local joint, where every segment of society strolls in, takes a ticket, and surrenders to the ebb and flow of the archaic ordering, seating, and payment system (cards accepted for waiter service, cash only at the register, don’t lose your ticket!). When everything else is uncertain, comfort yourself with Katz’s Ur–New York hot dog, all snap and salt under a mantle of mustard and kraut. If New York has terroir, this is what it tastes喜欢。
1125 Lexington Ave.,Nr。78Th英石。;212-734-1500
这款迷你 - 戴利(Mini-Deli)的重量超过了其重量,这是Kew Gardens晚期的伟大五香熏牛肉国王(Kew Great Pastrami King)的小小的,几乎是不起眼的后代。即使有很多值得订购的东西 - 巨型刀;葡萄藤,充满活力的“健康”沙拉;蒜末炸薯条 - 糕点是事。不亚于米米·喜来登(Mimi Sheraton)的熟食店是忠实的粉丝。她服用了烟熏,辛辣的肉半叶,半胖。要求它手切,这确实有所作为。orwasher的黑麦也是如此上。
162 E. 33路街。第三大道。212-689-9000
像大多数纽约人一样,我们对2nd大道(Ave),从后面实际上位于第二大道上,然后搬到了基普斯湾(Kips Bay)和上东区(Kips Bay)。许多粉丝从来没有超越广受欢迎的五香熏牛肉,甚至没有更好的咸牛肉(我们喜欢他们在双卷上用作一对)。但是还有其他值得的景点,即浓郁,泥土的蘑菇巴利汤。相对稀有的胆汁,长期煮安息日的炖菜;尤其是锅中的鸡肉,无疑会在分娩中的每个社区中治愈许多感冒区。
97a Hoyt St.,Nr。大西洋大道;718-852-7510
当诺亚·伯纳莫夫(Noah Bernamoff)和雷·科恩(Rae Cohen)从蒙特利尔(Montreal)到达这里时,他们恢复了一种像一整天的百吉饼一样陈旧的传统。(They also brought us Montreal-style bagels, but that’s another story.) Besides introducing New Yorkers to smoked meat, the Canadian version of pastrami, the young couple challenged current deli convention by taking a seasonal approach and doing all their own curing, smoking, baking, brining, and pickling. Their locavore delicatessen belongs to a brave new breed that is attempting to preserve the grand tradition by returning to its hand-crafted roots. And let’s not forget what may be Mile End’s greatest contribution to the canon: smoked-meatpoutine。
552 W. 235Th街,位于布朗克斯的约翰逊大街;718-548-4534
为了扩大其吸引力,这款Riverdale Redoubt将中东梅兹兹(Mide Eusther Mezze)添加到其标准熟食店。但这是旧世界的灵魂食品使它脱颖而出。我们正在谈论白菜,毛绒皮肤,塞满小牛肉乳房……您是否检测到主题?除了掌握肋骨的肠道炸弹之外,Liebman还提供令人满意的三明治和一个强大的精美碗汤。
So named because it was opened by a retired cop in 1964, Sarge’s is a sentimental favorite for its haimish vibe, its lovably dated Tiffany-lamp décor, and its 24/7 hours, which makes it a beacon in a city that, as you learn when you’re searching for a late-night latke, does indeed sleep. Souper Soup boasts not only a fluffy, grapefruit-size matzo ball, but also noodles and a delicious kreplach. There’s a $41.95 stunt sandwich called the Monster, and a trio of titanic cheese blintzes with sour cream that might be even worse for you than that. The place has character, and so does the menu, which suggests the unfettered reach of a Greek diner, with such deli digressions as fish and chips, barbecued ribs, and an entire burger部分。
Nr.533 Nostrand Ave.Herkimer St。;718-789-1155
5823 Ave. T,Nr。59Th英石。;718-241-4910