To declare the city’s best xiao long bao, otherwise known as soup dumplings, we wanted dough that was delicate without being flimsy and filled with hot, rich broth that was deeply meaty. These are the four places that do it better than anyoneelse.
13 St. Marks pl。,Nr。第三大道。212-388-9238
这soup dumplings at the Bao, a St. Marks offshoot of a Flushing restaurant, are quite simply unimpeachable in their craftsmanship and consistent excellence. The skins are made daily and pushed to the edge of thinness; they’re glutinous and don’t display the easy breakage exhibited by lesser dumplings. And the soup itself is deeply flavorful, but not so rich that it overwhelms the dumpling’s essential delicateness. These are the soup dumplings that will make you understand why people return from Shanghai with xiao long baofever.
529 Hudson St., nr. Charles St.;212-792-9700
Chef Joe Ng是一个饺子向导,他在他与Ed Schoenfeld一起经营的Neo-Chinese餐厅中提供的版本是绝对的竞争者。坦白地说,镇上没有其他汤饺子可以与包(Bao)和Redfarm的饺子相提并论。在这里,葱和诱人的汤也被脂肪和胶原蛋白增稠,使其光滑,而肉具有真正的叮咬和深深的猪味。同时,黄色的皮肤耐嚼。薄的底部canbreak unexpectedly, but the dumplings’ general excellence and outstandingly concentrated flavor make up for that one flaw. Just be温和的。
3。Diverse Dim和
133-35 Roosevelt Ave., nr. Prince St., Flushing;347-925-5716
几年前,原摊位成为了东北ighborhood go-to for in-the-know Flushing food geeks, supplanting longtime favorite Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao; since relocating to the bustling New York Food Court in 2014, Diverse Dim Sum has found its groove again. Go with the crab-and-pork dumplings, which are as meaty and juicy as they have ever到过。
4。Shanghai Cafe
唐人街不乏便宜的饺子,而在很多地方都可以买到讨价还价的小宝。但是,很少有折扣饺子值得 - 除了在Mott Street Hart上提供的饺子。汤更咸,不像此清单上的其他人那样精致,但螃蟹和猪肉馅的馅料非常淡淡,并受到了螃蟹的自然甜味的打击。猪肉有一点咀嚼,汤与肉的比例(两者都足够)只是正确的。