It’s time to name the best cheesecake.乳酪蛋糕, of course, is shorthand for New York cheesecake, which for some is a roundabout way of saying creamy like an old-school Lindy’s slice, or ricotta-rich in Little Italy, or tart and crumbly on a diner plate, or cool and crust-free like aBaby Watson在埃德·科赫公司的第二个任期的开始。在其他r words, several variations on a theme. Here are the city’s most compelling, circa现在。
Umber Ahmad的杰出过去包括麻省理工学院and Wharton, as well as a stint at Goldman Sachs. None of these things would seem to be a prerequisite for introducing the most elegant and spectacular cheesecake to come along in a while, but, well, here we are. The impressive nine-inch version weighs in around five pounds, with the dimpled cream-cheese base towering mightily above the upper limit of the chocolate crust. The bakery uses sour cream to keep the richness in check; a pleasant undercurrent of lemon oil comes from bright flecks of zest, and the cocoa cookie swathing its exterior adds a bitter crunch as well as a black-tie dapperness. It’s fancy without being ostentatious, simple but tremendously impressive; a cheesecake for scaffolders and debutantes alike. A more traditional graham-cracker crust, as well as a smaller, four-inch format, are also available. The shop, which has built up a loyal clientele with online orders for the past two years,计划首次亮相其实体面包店in六月。
2。Eileen’s Special Cheesecake
17 Cleveland Pl., nr. Kenmare St.;212-966-5585
这个狭窄的克利夫兰广场机构正在交易全尺寸和冰球迷你蛋糕蛋糕,整整数十年Nolita。这些年来,这家房屋的特色菜仍然蓬松,厨房保持令人眼花and乱的品种,这些品种涵盖了时尚(咸焦糖,红色天鹅绒)及以后(PiñaColada,豆腐)。带泽西板的SUV的客户仍在肯米尔(Kenmare)上双层公园NYPDTraffic comes around, and it’s sometimes hard to maneuver around the out-of-towners lugging fancy cameras and bags of flash gear, so assertiveness is crucial. Despite its late-breaking forays into模因文化,艾琳(Eileen)仍然是出色,优美的芝士蛋糕的目的地。我们希望它永远不会变化。
3。Petee's Pie Company
61 Delancey St., nr. Allen St.;212-966-2526
佩特拉“Petee Paredez令人印象深刻的努力做出新的York cheesecake great again began with research, a lot of cream cheese, and the pie expert’s generally classicist approach. She’s made improvements in the form of scraped vanilla beans and discernible hits of zest that are deployed into the cake. Moreover, because she is a master of crust and has plenty on hand, Paredez bakes some, then pulses it to produce a smooth buttery crumble that rivals any cheesecake set in pulverized graham crackers. The cake itself has a bright, almost savory bite, and the perfect density. Paredez also draws on her in-house reserves of sour cherries and wild blueberries to make fantastic fruit toppings that have genuine flavor and zero gloop. The end result is sufficient to inspire pangs of nostalgia for an older New York history that may have never really existed but is now available whole and by the片。
4。Dominique Ansel Bakery
189 Spring St., nr. Thompson St.; 212-219-2773
这hardworking Cronut creator puts a resolutely Ansel-esque spin on cheesecake at his original Soho bakery with a “cotton soft” version, which he says is for people who think they don’t like cheesecake. It sits on a dainty almond biscuit base and wears a brûlée-like crown of torched sugar. While its ingredients officially include whole-milk ricotta folded into whipped cream with a wisp of lemon, all that may as well be shorthand for moonbeams and frankincense and the odd buttercream Horcrux. The dessert comes apart in an airy crumble, yet somehow retains its shape and manages to evoke the balance of smooth and tart found in the oldest of old-school起司cakes.
您不会指望那个在奶昔机上鞭打Yuzu Curd的人,他的蛋artstartsàla分钟可以在他的另一个人的另一个甜点中搭配相同的甜点,对吗?在他的西村(West Village)的位置,发明的糕点厨师将起司back in起司cake。多米尼克·安塞尔(Dominique Ansel)的其他芝士蛋糕(Cheesecake)始于奶油奶油和小奶油奶酪,它们在水浴中烘烤,直到固定为止。完成的芝士蛋糕上有香草雀斑,但饰有一轮洗净的山羊奶酪,锤打着家,因为它包装在木制奶酪盒中,使其非常便宜。质地是光滑的,几乎熔化的,一汤匙松露的蜂蜜略微散开和额外的甜味glaze.
5。Gabriel Kreuther
41 W. 42nd街。6ThAve.;212-257-5826
如果他记载了美丽的糕点,而不是当时的梳妆台,那么街头风格的摄影师比尔·坎宁安(Bill Cunningham)毫无疑问会不断回到加布里埃尔·克鲁特(Gabriel Kreuther)的休息室,看看新鲜的东西。“我从不改变基本DNA”PâtissierMarc Aumont说,他在碗底部的两个半月芝士蛋糕示意。虽然外壳以装饰性的面包屑形式出现,但甜点是用季节性的。最近的一次迭代包括一半的覆盆子,上面有浆果冰糕和冰冻的Blanc。覆盆子酥皮的通风红树皮给甜点带来了精细的建筑复杂性,并增加了苦味,(当然)Aumont说,这是基于日本吃甜点的。尽管他本来可以选择一些晦涩的果皮称呼,但对于奶酪本身而言,阿蒙特(Aumont)跟随法国人阿兰·杜卡斯(Alain Ducasse)和皮埃尔·赫尔默(PierreHerméYork.
29 East 29Th街。麦迪逊大街;212-651-3800
Jessica Weiss, the pastry chef Marta and Maialino, says she is way too in love with the former restaurant’s cannoli cheesecake to take it off the menu. All that sentiment is a major win for New York. Weiss deploys sweetened condensed milk as a dairy mediator of sorts between ricotta and cream cheese, and builds a formidable crust out of crushed cannoli shells set with a protective layer of dark chocolate to keep things crunchy, and the cheesecake sets with more chopped chocolate folded into the batter. The result is like the house dessert at Villabate Alba in Bensonhurst took the bus up Flatbush to meet the classic at Junior’s. As a final touch, Weiss steeps Sicilian pistachios in milk and sugar, then blends them with a shot of amaretto. Just before serving, the crema is burr-mixed with a little fresh cream. It has a powerful flavor and ultralight texture, the coolest whip of全部。