粘性面包周围往往会有一些混乱,即它与肉桂卷有何不同。我们的现场研究确定,尽管形状相似和许多成分,但关键区别在于粘性本身:肉桂卷披在各种白色糖霜中(通常是奶油奶油或只是只是基于粉状的糖),粘发的面包会得到更玻璃状的釉料,无论是薄糖浆还是较厚的焦糖 - 当然是超级粘的,而且通常并非总是会掺入坚果。因此,这是纽约最好的粘面面包。
在过去的几年中,我们的博物馆咖啡馆变得越来越好,还有Flora Coffere,它在Met Breuer的令人惊讶的阳光明媚的地下室提供了反服务的小吃和饮料,在全方位服务餐厅旁边弗洛拉酒吧- 都来自给我们的同一策划者埃斯特拉- 在提高赌注。短菜单上最好的东西之一是纽约最好的糕点之一:粘性面包,建筑的奇迹和风味一样,酵母黄色的奶油蛋卷面团均匀地分层,浓度强烈,黑色卡片可刺激性香料混合物和均匀切碎的黄油山核桃,然后小心地卷成像古根海姆(Guggenheim)一样声音的脂肪大小的螺旋形。整个整个过程都非常稠密,令人愉悦的令人愉悦的满足感,即使有些非常规,这要归功于黑豆蔻的严肃踢。

Where Flora’s bun has a hint of mystery to it, Balthazar’s provides a deeply comforting familiarity: It’s basically a big, round, buttery, yeasty, crisp-edged croissant that flakes apart with ease and is so generously coated in a sticky caramel redolent of burnt sugar — and thickly studded with coarsely chopped candied pecans and walnuts — that you can’t even tell it’s coiled from the outside, nor that it contains a scattering of juicy raisins. If you find yourself craving the platonic ideal of a sticky bun, this is probably the one you’re looking for.
1100 Nr。第82街;212-861-1340

这家上东区的经典犹太面包店(自1946年以来变得强壮!)以其最高级的巧克力蛋糕和黑白饼干而闻名,还以其schnecken或德国风格的粘面面包而闻名(Schnecken从字面上翻译成蜗牛””)。这yeasted sour-cream dough, which gets twisted into a sort of hybrid spiral-knot, makes for a pastry that’s moist within but crumbly and crispy on the outside, despite being soaked in a cinnamon-brown-sugar syrup so sweet it will make your teeth ache (in a good way). It incorporates chopped walnuts and juicy raisins, too, and comes in three sizes — miniature, regular, and large — all available in person or by mail order.
463 W.百老汇,NR。王子街;212-254-3000
Melissa Weller’s baking has earned her many accolades, and her sticky bun has an especially devoted following: It’s almost kouign-amann-like in structure, made with laminated brioche dough that bakes into a spiral of crispy, papery layers and gets topped with a brown-sugar glaze and flaky sea salt, no nuts.
261 Moore St.,Nr。布什威克的Bogart St.;718-417-1118

Before Sadelle’s, Weller worked at Roberta’s, and so the world owes her for this recipe, too — also a buttery brioche, but a bit airier and more popover-like, and topped with a stick-to-your-teeth salted caramel, plus flaky salt.